“A Complete Unknown” premiered around the world last week, proving to be popular in countries such as the United Kingdom after generating £2.6 million, according to The Sun. This is perhaps due to the eccentric moments during Timothée Chalamet’s press tour and his outstanding performance.
Throughout the global press tour, Chalamet channeled Dylan’s iconic styles, including the Y2K blonde bangs from Dylan’s 2003 Sundance look. This shift from his usual fashion sense caught fans' attention, confirming his dedication to embodying the legendary folk singer. His portrayal impressed audiences with authentic acting and surprisingly accurate singing, highlighting his versatility across genres.
Chalamet fueled excitement by arriving at the UK premiere on a Lime bike, later revealing he was fined £65 for improper parking. His off-screen antics continue to generate buzz, adding to his growing reputation as a dynamic and engaging star. Fans are left wondering—what will he do next?