Warner Bros has announced that the animated musical “Bad Fairies” will hit theaters July 23, 2027. Directed by Megan Nicole Dong, the director of Netflix animated musical series Centaurworld, the movie is now in production in London.
Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss will write the songs for Bad Fairies while the Grammy-nominated musician Isabella Summers will compose the score and produce the songs. The excitement for this dream team of musical talents is also expressed in a statement by Pictures Animation president Bill Damaschke and Locksmith Animation CCO Mary Coleman: “Together they will bring vibrant and unforgettable dimension to the story, and we cannot wait to share it with audiences around the world in 2027.”
"Bad Fairies" is a subversive musical comedy set in present-day London, centering on a group of rebellious fairies who break the rules and challenge conventions.
Produced by Carolyn Soper, with Rikke Asbjoern and Chris Garbutt serving as heads of story. The film's editor is Sim Evan-Jones, the cinematographer is James C.J. Williams, and Uwe Heidschötter is responsible for character design.