Iconic and beloved American actor Denzel Washington may potentially join the cast of "Gladiator 2," marking a possible second collaboration with director Ridley Scott. The two previously worked together on the critically acclaimed biographical crime drama film "American Gangster" in 2007, where Washington portrayed Frank Lucas, one of the most successful drug traffickers in American history. Lucas smuggled narcotics into the USA using the corpses of fallen American soldiers during the Vietnam War in the late 1960s and early 1970s from the notorious golden triangle. It's safe to say that Washington is considered one of the greatest actors of his generation, and his potential involvement in this highly anticipated sequel is exciting many fans.
Although it's currently unclear what role Washington might take, he reportedly said he's thrilled with the "badass" character that Ridley Scott has in mind for him. Washington has an incredible ability to portray intense renegade characters, such as the iconic Alonzo Harris in "Training Day," Frank Lucas, as previously mentioned, Robert McCall in "The Equalizer," and John Creasy in "Man on Fire."
Overall, fans eagerly await Washington's potential role in "Gladiator 2," as his collaborations with Ridley Scott in the past have been successful, and his ability to play dynamic and compelling characters is unmatched.
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