Denzel Washington reprises his role as Robert McCall in the highly anticipated third installment of the "The Equalizer" film franchise, which is directed by Antoine Fuqua, the acclaimed producer and director of hit action films such as "Training Day" in 2001. The film, titled "The Equalizer 3", is scheduled to premiere in theaters on September 1st through Sony Pictures. This time, McCall finds himself battling the Italian mafia while residing in Southern Italy. The plot revolves around McCall's realization that some of his friends are under the control of the local mafia bosses, and his unwavering resolve to take action to protect them.
The film features an all-new cast, including Dakota Fanning, who reunites with Washington for the first time since their collaboration on "Man on Fire" in 2004. Other cast members include David Denman, Sonia Ben Ammar, and Remo Girone. Richard Wenk returns as the franchise screenwriter, while the film is produced by a team including Fuqua, Washington, Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Clayton Townsend, Alex Siskin, Steve Tisch, Tony Eldridge, and Michael Sloan.
The "Equalizer" franchise first premiered in 2014, based on the 1980s CBS series of the same name. The second film was released in 2018, and the third instalment is set to conclude the series. Fans of Washington's action-thriller films can look forward to seeing him in his last action-packed outing as Robert McCall.
During Sony's presentation at CinemaCon, Denzel Washington was honoured with a Lifetime Achievement Award presented by director Antoine Fuqua. In his acceptance speech, Washington expressed his gratitude to the exhibition executives present, "We would be nothing without you all. We’re here for you. We’re here because of you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have been blessed beyond measure."
With Fuqua behind the camera and Wenk writing the screenplay, "The Equalizer 3" promises to be another thrilling addition to the franchise. As fans eagerly anticipate the September release, they can expect to be taken on an international journey full of action and drama with the iconic Robert McCall.
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