Jesse Armstrong, the creator of the Emmy-winning “Succession,” is teaming up with executive producer Frank Rich for an original HBO Films project. The movie will center on four friends navigating a dramatic international financial crisis, blending Armstrong’s knack for sharp storytelling with timely, high-stakes drama.
Currently in development, Jesse Armstrong is penning the script for his upcoming HBO film, with production expected to begin later this year. HBO is already reaching out to actors, showing strong early momentum for the project. Armstrong and executive producer Frank Rich, who worked together on the Emmy-winning Succession, are under overall deals with HBO. Their beloved drama about the Roy family’s fight for media empire dominance ended in 2022 after four seasons, earning 19 Emmys, including three for Outstanding Drama Series. The show’s biting humor and emotional depth cemented Armstrong’s reputation as one of television’s leading storytellers.
While Armstrong is best known for his TV work, including co-creating Peep Show and contributing to Veep and Black Mirror, he’s also made a mark in film. He earned an Oscar nomination for co-writing In the Loop and adapted Force Majeure into the dark comedy Downhill. His upcoming HBO film promises another engaging narrative, blending his signature wit with high-stakes drama, as he continues to explore fresh and compelling stories.