Mark Hamill, known for his role in a galaxy far, far away, stars in an upcoming film by DreamWorks Animation. At a panel during San Diego Comic-Con, director Chris Sanders discussed The Wild Robot, a movie about a robot named Roz (voiced by Lupita Nyong’o) who learns to bond with animals on a remote island after a shipwreck. Hamill lends his voice to Thorn, a fierce grizzly bear. His interest in the project was sparked by Peter Brown's best-selling children's book, The Wild Robot, which enchanted young readers in 2016 with its heartfelt narrative and stunning illustrations.
Between book and adaptation
Hamill expressed his satisfaction with the film adaptation, stating that he believed capturing even a small portion of the book's impact would be impressive. He commended the filmmakers for their excellent work, drawing parallels to his initial impressions of the 1977 movie "Star Wars," in which he portrayed the iconic character Luke Skywalker. Onstage with Nyong’o, Sanders, and fellow voice actor Kit Connor, the actor shared his thoughts with the audience.
Hamill described The Wild Robot as reminiscent of his experience trying to explain Star Wars to those who hadn't seen it before. He praised the film for its richness, emotional depth, and broad appeal, stating that both kids and families would enjoy it.
In addition to Hamill, the voice cast includes Nyong’o, Connor, Pedro Pascal, Bill Nighy, Stephanie Hsu, and Catherine O’Hara.
During a panel at the Annecy Animation Festival in France, Sanders showcased footage from The Wild Robot and received a enthusiastic standing ovation. Sanders expressed his desire for the film to exude a sense of "analog warmth and soul."