The upcoming Amazon series is an adaptation of the epic-fantasy cycle of novels written by late author Robert Jordan. The books, titled as the TV series, were published between 1990 and 2013: after Jordan's death in 2007, the fantasy was finished by Brandon Sanderson, who is also consulting producer on the Amazon series.
Co-produced by Amazon Studios and Sony Pictures Television, “The Wheel of Time” sets its story in a world where magic is an exclusive prerogative of women, and it follows the adventures of Moiraine (played by Rosamund Pike), member of a magical organization called Aes Sedai who leads a group of five people in an epic journey in order to fulfill the prophecy of the Dragon Reborn.
The series counts 6 episodes and it has already been renewed for a second season.
The first three episodes of “The Wheel of Time” will premiere together on Friday, November 2021 with new episodes available each Friday following.